
Energy-efficient Renovation of Glass Buildings of Architectural Value

  • Foto Demonstrationsprojekt ehemalige Schule am Kinkplatz, 1140 Wien Rupert Steiner
  • Foto
  • Foto Demonstrationsprojekt ehemalige Schule am Kinkplatz, 1140 Wien Mischa Erben
  • Foto Demonstrationsprojekt ehemalige Schule am Kinkplatz, 1140 Wien Manfred Seidl
  • Foto Architekten Tillner & Willinger
  • Foto Architekten Tillner & Willinger
  • Foto Architekten Tillner & Willinger
  • Foto Analyse des urbanen Kontextes © Architekten Tillner & Willinger
  • Foto Vorgeschlagene Nutzungen © Architekten Tillner & Willinger
  • Foto Konzept © Architekten Tillner & Willinger
  • Foto Architekten Tillner & Willinger

ENERGIE DER ZUKUNFT, Stadt der Zukunft 8. Ausschreibung, 4. Nachhaltige Sanierung, 4.3 Demonstration nachhaltiger Gebäude- und Quartiersanierung

Status: completed

circular economy, building within the existing, revitalization, refurbishment, enery efficiency, renewable enrgy sources

The focus of the Green Tech Renovation project is to find innovative solutions for the energetic renovation of architecturally valuable buildings with a high proportion of glass. A future-oriented building physics concept that includes the use of alternative forms of energy is to be developed for this purpose. With ecological and social commitment, an intelligent usage concept could strengthen the energetic renovation concepts and guarantee their sustainability. The 10 Rs of the circular economy will serve as a guideline.

Starting point / motivation
Climate policy sees an urgent need for the energy-efficient renovation of existing buildings. Structures with a monumental or architectural value pose a particular challenge. They are part of our cultural heritage and therefore deserve special attention when renovating, regardless of their protection status. Helmut Richter’s School on Kinkplatz is intended to serve as a demonstration project for this research work, as many issues relating to sensible energy-saving renovation can be exemplary addressed through this building.

Contents and goals
The focus of the research is to find innovative solutions for the energy-efficient, ecological and social revitalization of architecturally valuable buildings with a high proportion of glass.
Cross-connections to currently ongoing initiatives at the European level are to be established, as the exploratory project in question fulfills these excellently on several levels. The following topics can all be found in the “Green Tech Renovation” project: CO2 reduction, circular economy, renovation of an outstanding, sophisticated building, adapted usage concept, innovation, use of renewable energy, building greening, and user involvement.
The aim is to develop various solution concepts that fulfill the given task under the main conditions and to evaluate them. The concepts are to cover a broad spectrum and pursue innovative approaches.

International reference projects are to be analyzed in order to supply applicably structured and comparable data. The renovation concept is to be developed holistically on this basis, but the measures for the various sub-areas of the building are to be broken down into individual components. Through this division in the sense of a “pattern language” into areas, parts and components, findings from sub-areas will also deliver valuable, applicable data for comparable projects.
The 10 Rs of the circular economy (Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, Recycle, Recover) and a guideline for the “circular economy in building construction” which has yet to be drawn up are to be used to structure the approach.
The energetic renovation is to be carried out using renewable energies, e.g., photovoltaics and ambient heat in combination with the necessary solar thermal energy to regenerate the geothermal probes within the available framework. A future-oriented building physics concept is being developed for this purpose, with storage options and the aim of optimally using local energy and avoiding CO2, as well as significantly reducing energy consumption and thus maintenance costs.
The adequate use of the building is a central question in the energy-efficient renovation, as it leads to targeted, efficient and—in the sense of “Reduce”—minimized construction measures. In the analysis and planning phase, the following essential questions are asked: What are the architectural qualities of the building or the building zones? And which use best corresponds to these qualities and is suitable with minimally invasive interventions?
In the research project, the building is to be examined for appropriate uses. The proposed approach, based on the spatial qualities and the technically feasible, sensible measures to find suitable uses, represents a reversal of usual practice. Efficient, minimized structural interventions open great savings potential in material usage, CO2 emissions and costs.
Greening, as a synergy measure, plays a connecting role in this project. We address the following goals: to strengthen the international competitiveness of Austrian companies and research institutes, to provide intelligent energy solutions and to contribute to the development of resilient cities and districts.

Expected results
The findings of the research project are to be summarized in a recommendation for a redevelopment concept for the former School on Kinkplatz. Moreover, the solutions developed in variants will provide a valuable basis for future projects. The strategies will be prepared and structured in such a way that they can be used in further renovation projects of buildings worthy of protection with a high proportion of glass. An “instruction manual” based on the guidelines for a circular economy in building construction will be available for follow-up projects.

Kinkplatz 21, , 1140 Wien, Austria

Architekten Tillner & Willinger, Wien

Cooperation Architecture:
DI Sophie Stockhammer, DI Mahshid Rezaei

Structural Engineering:
Technische Universität Wien

Building Physics:
IBO Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie

FH Technikum Wien - Fachhochschule Wien



IBO – Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie GmbH

Technische Universität Wien, Forschungsbereich für Tragwerksplanung und Ingenieurholzbau

Fachhochschule Technikum Wien, Kompetenzfeld für Erneuerbare Energiesysteme

GRÜNSTATTGRAU Forschungs- und Innovations GmbH

vertical farm institute

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Laboratorium für Techniken und Denkmalpflege moderner Architektur

Hubmann Vass Architekten

2021 - 2022